New York : Putnum & Grosset
Group, 1997.
IL 5-8 RL 6.7
ISBN: 0698116062
How many of you have seen a dancer? Or seen someone, or know someone
you practices ballet? People who dance ballet are pretty beautiful:
they have thin, strong bodies; they're very graceful; sometimes they're
even beautiful. But there is one part of the dancer that is ugly--almost
deformed looking. Can anyone guess? Yep, it's their feet. Dancers
perform on the tips of their toes. Not just on tippy-toe. Not
even on the tippiest of tippy-toes. Nope, they perform right on the
part of the toe that sticks straight out, whether they're barefoot, in
sandals, in shoes, or in boots. And it hurts! And it makes
the dancer's foot pretty ugly.
Despite all of that, Robin loves ballet. It means everything to her.
And this is the year when she gets to go en pointe--gets to dance on her
tippier-than-tip-toes toes. She's excited, ecstatic, she can't wait
to learn from Madame Oblamov her instructor. And then, it happens.
Her parents tell her she has to give up ballet. Not because of the
toes, not because they're mean, but for a family reason. Robin's
mom wants to bring her mother to America. Robin's grandmother, who
she has never seen, lives in China, and it costs lots of money to bring
someone over. Robin's parents tell her they can't afford ballet lessons
if her grandmother is to come to America.
Robin is crushed. Will she have to give up dance forever? Is
there any future in ballet? Read Ribbons to find out. (Stacy Charlesbois,
Adult & Young Adult Services Librarian,,
Farmington Community Library, Farmington, Michigan) |
Chinese Americans -- Fiction.
Grandmothers -- Fiction.
Ballet dancing -- Fiction.
Chinese United States -- Fiction.
Family life -- Fiction. |
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