The majority of these booktalks are written by me. In order to insure the continuing growth of this site, I also rely on contributions from others. I'm sure that these contributions are appreciated by all who use this site. Booktalks contributed by guest talkers are indicated at the end of the booktalk. -- NJK Jennifer Adams, jadams@hazard.k12.ky.us Ingrid P. Afre. afrei@csusb.edu, teacher Nadine Aguilar, cali4nyabreeze@yahoo.com, college student Angela Alberty, angiealberty@juno.com, University of South Carolina LIS Intern; Columbia, SC Marianne Archard, marchard@aol.com Davinna Artibey, Center for International Studies, Denver Public Schools, CO Holly Arnett, HL-Arnett@wiu.edu, college student Elizabeth C. Ashley, ecalisusc@yahoo.com, Student, SLIS Program, USC, Columbia, SC Betty Austin-Byrd, betanddanbyrd@verizon.net, college student Kaitlin Bachmeier, kikib67@hotmail.com, K-12 student Melissa Bailey, mlvick@aol.com, MLIS Program, University of South Carolina Mary Balog. mary.balog@hudson.lib.oh.us, librarian Lisa Barkhurst, Youth Services Librarian, Woodmont Library, King County Library System, lbarkhur@kcls.org Tammy Barnes, tbarnes@pineville.k12.ky.us "Jacqueline Barry" <jacqueline.barry@gmail.com> "Naomi Bates" <mira93@yahoo.com> Amy Battin, Summit Elementary Library Colleen Biebel, c-biebel@wiu.edu, college student Jeannie Bellavance bellavance@erols.com. for Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Awards Carrie Benavides, teacher, LitlCarrie@msn.com Karen Bennett-Waterfield, karenwaterfield@earthlink.net, CLIS 794 Tina Berger, tberger@homexpressway.net, St. James -Santee Elementary Rebecca Besheer, beckalai85@netscape.net, teacher Alicia Byrd, Portland, Oregon Laura Blevins, laura_at_usc@yahoo.com, University of South Carolina, graduate candidate School of Library and Information Science Brian Blum Maverick_Brian@Yahoo.com Mark Bobrosky, LMT, NBCT, Walter Reed Middle School Library Rachael L. Bohn, rbohn@loudoun.gov, LCPL, Rust Library, YS Librarian, Leesburg, VA Chelsea Bow, chelsbow@hotmail.com, college student Pam Bowers, pbowers@lcsd.k12.sc.us, Media Specialist, Kershaw, SC) Meaghan Bowman, meaghanmb@yahoo.com, librarian Melissa Bowman, Melissa.Bowman@pisd.edu, Armstrong Middle School Brenda Boyd, boyd420@msn.com, School of Library and Information Science, University of SC, Columbia, SC Michal Hope Brandon, hopeymb@yahoo.com, Intern, Blythewood Middle School, Blythewood, SC Alice Brice, Graduate Student, School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, abrice@axcess.net Melissa Britton, sneakfr@bellsouth.net Sandra M. Brundage, USC-MLIS Intern, jimufl@bellsouth.net Betty Bryson Silverado School Library Nicole Buffum, ncbuffum@yahoo.com, teacher Kathy Bullene, North Mason Timberland Library, kbullene@timberland.lib.wa.us Tracey Burel, lowetl@mailbox.sc.edu, SCASL & Current MLIS student at University of South Carolina Tuesday Cabiness, lakerfan8tuesday@gmail.com, college student Maggie Callaghan, mkcallaghan23@yahoo.com, college student Jennifer Cameron, cameronj@coyote.csusb.edu, teacher Carrie Caringella, cl-caringella@wiu.edu, college student Marsha Carlan, marshad_us@yahoo.com, Benton Elementary School Belinda Casanova, bel_casanova@sbcglobal.net, college student Kimberly Cash, climbingbeta@yahoo.com, teacher Lisa M. Cave, thesauri93@yahoo.com, North Middle High School Stacy Charlesbois, Adult & Young Adult Services Librarian, charlesb@metronet.lib.mi.us, Farmington Community Library, Farmington, Michigan Baofong Chang, college student, yudaka_67@yahoo com tw Nicole Chess, niknakgymrat323@yahoo.com, teacher Paul Christopherson, Young Adult Librarian, Millard Branch Library paulc@omaha.lib.ne.us Janet Gregory Coen, jgregcoen@aol.com, Highlander Academy, Manhattn Beach, Ca Jason Coffield, mrcoffield@msn.com, teacher Kim R. Cole, kcoleTR@hotmail.com, Monaview Elementary School, Greenville, S.C. Jamie Collins, collins9@csusb.edu, Teacher Penny Cook, teacher, luckypenny53@aol com Erin and Ryan, RP-Cooney@wiu.edu, college student Dale Copps, dcopps@together.net, Librarian, (VT) Elementary Schools Doreen Corona, doorcorona@yahoo.com, teacher Noelle Cottrell <n_cottrell@yahoo.com> Joy M. Couch, joy_couch24@eku.edu Ashley Cox, ar-king@wiu.edu, college student Vanessa Crawford, vanessa.a.crawford@gmail.com, Status college student Kenny Crosby, kenny-crosby@hotmail.com, college student Melissa Crosby, gomezgirl1@aol.com, teacher Shawn Crosby, scrosby@kcls.org, Des Moines Library, Des Moines, WA Melanie R. Crumpton, West Ashley Middle School, Charleston, SC, melrutl@knology.net Rob Culbertson, RA-Culbertson@wiu.edu, college student Mike Curran, college student, mcurran13516@olc edu Brittny Currie, BM-Currie@wiu.edu, college student Shannon Cyrus, Student of ACTC Ashley Nicole Davis, Dixiegrl4u_311@yahoo.com, Hertford County Middle School, Murfreesboro USA Carolyn Davis, DCDavis1@homexpressway.net, Sedgefield Intermediate Media Specialist, Berkeley County Jana Davis, t_jdavis@bellsouth.net Penny Dawson, pdawson@lenoir.k12.nc.us Jocelyn Deal, dealj@clarke.k12.ga.us, Winterville Elementary School, Winterville, GA Nathalie Demers, Teen Services Librarian, Wilmington Memorial Library, Wilmington, Mass. ndemers62@hotmail.com Matt Dikeman, md-dikeman@wiu.edu, college student Sarah Dodson, beamer1170@aol.com, teacher Neil Donovan, Teacher-Librarian, ndonovan@parra.catholic.edu.au Nora Douglas, ndouglas@tuscaloosa-library.org, Tuscaloosa Public Library Melissa Downin, ma-downin@wiu.edu, college student Kathleen Duey, author. kathleen@cts.com Mary Duffey, jamesduffey@verizon.net, teacher Roberta Dwelley, gilliegirl@earthlink.net, Murray LaSaine Elementary Charleston SC) Samantha Eckard, ed student Kari K. Eliason, alkarie@cpinternet.com, Northwestern Middle School Student Teacher Barbara Elkins, bjelkins@adelphia.net Hilton Head High School, Hilton Head Island, SC Rebecca Elswick, Rebelswick@yahoo.com, CLIS student University of South Carolina Becky Enders, ra-enders@wiu.edu, college student Brittany Engle, ba-engle@wiu.edu, college student Kathy Erskine, teacher Jessica Ewing, Queens Library, Queens, New York Jessica Fabiano, j-fabiano@wiu.edu, college student Julia S. Fanning, Juliajsfnnng@aol.com, Busbee Middle School, Cayce, S.C. Bernie Farrell, librarian, bfarrell@hclib.org Lois Feldman, lfeldman@library.mornet.org, Morris Area Public Library Roxanne Hsu Feldman <rfeldman@dalton.org> Andi Figart AJFIGART@MSN.com Dana Finegan, dl-finegan@wiu.edu, college student Andrea Fisher, AN-Fisher2@wiu.edu, college student Suzanne Woods Fisher, contributing editor of Christian Parenting Today Jennifer Fletcher, gracefullyloved@gmail.com, college student Gail Folden, teacher, wonderwords@sbcglobal.net Debbie Frank, Youth Services Librarian, Maitland Public Library, Maitland, Florida, <coachdebra@yahoo.com> Kelley Fraser, ksfraser@megalink.net Francoise Fussell, fhfussell@yahoo.com, Student, University of South Carolina, School of Library and Information Science Louise Gagne <octoj@yahoo.com> HEATHER GALLILEE, teacher, North Vancouver, B.C. Tonya Gambrel, teacher, tonya.gambrel@laurel.k12.ky.us Paula Gannaway, librarian, paula gannaway@lcu edu Jenny Geisler, jl-geisler@wiu.edu, college student Brandy Gerg, teacher, nimimosha@msn.com Stephanie Gerrietts, gerrste@bvu.edu, college student Greg Gizzi, kggizzi@comcast.net, college student Heidi Glauser, Administrative Assistant, Heidi@DeweyDooit.com Amanda Glover, am-glover@wiu.edu, college student Barbara Goldenhersh, PhD, Assistant Professor, Harris Stowe State College, St. Louis, MO Sue Gooden, Concord HS, Wilmington, DE sgooden@brandywine.k12.de.us Kaline Goodrich, goodrichk@hermon.net Misty Gosnell, MLRobin129@aol.com, Teacher, Fountain Inn, South Carolina Gail Gouvei, ggouveia53@yahoo.com Debbie Gray, School Library Media Specialist, Jackson Annex, Hempstead, NY debedgray@hotmail.com Daniel Griffith, student Thomas Grimes, buzzbait@schoollink.net, HCMS Library Ona Gritz, ogilbert@erols.com, Hoboken Public Library, NJ Darla Grob, dgrob@harrison.k12.ky.us Renee Guill, rc-guill@wiu.edu, college student Rona Gutzky korin85@yahoo.com Mary Hamilton, mary.miguel@att.net, teacher Justin Hamma, jdhamma@yahoo.com, college student Linda
Liz Hane, University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science, student, LJH79@aol.com Marilyn Harfst, harfst@starnetinc.com, Library Media Specialist, Hannah Beardsley Middle School, Crystal Lake, Florida Joel Harris, jcharris@csusb.edu, teacher Kayleigh Harris, kn-harris@wiu.edu, college student Barb Hartings, Lebanon High School Library/Media Center Janna Harton, janna_harton_13@yahoo.com, k-12 student Kristy Hatter, kristyh@lincoln.k12.ky.us Joy Harvey, jpainte@lps.org, Librarian) Aja Henriquez, henra300@csusb.edu, college student I-Ching, Tseng, college student, ichingtse@hotmail.com Miranda J. Hawkins, miranda8980@att.net Odile Heisel. oheisel@pen.k12.va.us, Library Media Specialist, Plains Elementary School , 225 American Legion Rd., Timberville, VA 22853 Melissa Henderson, mhenders@eapl.org, Ela Area Public Library, Lake Zurich, IL Don Henry, teacher, DESERTMORNSTAR2@aol com Debbie Henson, deblib1@msn.com, Mt. Pleasant Academy, Mt. Pleasant, SC Tamara Hernandez, tamaralcastro@aol.com, college student Megan Henson, MA-Henson@wiu.edu, college student Cathy Hesselink, khesselink@sc.rr.com, CLIS student, USC Gayle Hodur, ghodur@redshift.com, Soledad Unified School District, Soledad, California Justine Hoeftmann, jh-hoeftmann@wiu.edu, college student Lyla Hoffman, stuttering75@yahoo.com, teacher Carrie Hollenback, cl-hollenback@wiu.edu, college student Cappy Holman, USC Graduate Student in LIS, clh20@earthlink.net Rebecca P.
Hopper, hopper_gfc@chester.k12.sc.us,
Jennifer Houchens, student, houchensj@csusb edu Theresa Holman, violetholman@aol.com, college student Nicole Howard, Gresham, Oregon Mary Huebscher, Librarian, Holy Cross High School, San Antonio, TX 78228 <marwood45@hotmail.com> Sara Huggins, shuggins@pdol.com, Chavis Elementary, Hemingway, SC Ed Hughes, seghuhed@yahoo.com Jevon D. Hunter, huntj306@csusb.edu, college student Malinda Hurley, malinda.hurley@omsd.k12.ca.us, teacher Monet Jafari, monetjafari@gmail.com, k-12 student Patricia R. Jansen, prjusc@yahoo.com , Graduate Student at University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science Jenny Johnson, jennyejohnson@comcast.net Kirsten Johnson, KN-Johnson@wiu.edu, college student Jeff Jones,jeff2usc@yahoo.com, Chicora Elementary School, N. Charleston, SC, computer teacher Susan Joyner, Student at USC, joynersusan@hotmail.com Betsy Kahn, bkahn@pusd.us, librarian Marcia S. Kalayjian, kalayjia@bellsouth.net, Graduate student at University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science Katy, kromitti@bethanywv.edu, college student Marsi Kearney, marsikearney@gmail.com, college student Gail A. King, grking@bellsouth.net, University of South Carolina Robert H. King II, Frostburg State University Sally Kintner <skintner@uswest.net Mary Joan Kirkegard - Librarian/Media Specialist, Ringwood, NJ, Public Schools. Kelly Knight, knightkl@mailbox.sc.edu, USC School of Library and Information Science, Columbia, SC Nomi Krasilovsky, East Providence Public Library, East Providence, RI Denise Krebs, dkrebs@spalding-catholic.pvt.k12.ia.us, teacher Nathan Kruse, nkruse28@hotmail.com, college student Michelle K., mj-kruzil@wiu.edu, college student Nichole Kuchar, NL-Kuchar@wiu.edu. college student Caitlyn Lee, cm-lee@wiu.edu, college student Ellen Levin, Library Media Specialist, Hammond Middle School, Laurel, Maryland Peggy Lewis, teacher, plewis2@bsu edu Beth Lindsay, Senior Librarian, Youth Services, South County Regional Library blindsay@leegov.com Luwana Listener, luwanalistener@hotmail.com, college student May Harn Liu, Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.) Jana Locker, jana_locker4@eku.edu, Eastern Kentucky University Cerese Long, cclong2001@yahoo.com, White Knoll Middle School, West Columbia, S.C. Heather Longo, He-Longo@wiu.edu, college student Marta Lopez, Teacher Librarian m.lopezgw@gateway.net Lori Loranger, Librarian, Grisham M.S., Round Rock ISD, TX Adrienne Lovejoy, alovejoy@valverde.edu, Status teacher Ramona Loynd, Loyndrg@aol.com, teacher Cheryl Lucas. lvwcl@llcoop.org, librarian Delania S. Luttrell, dluttrell@casey.k12.ky.us James McDonald, college student, jamesmac81@yahoo com Sharon Macdonald, Director of Youth Services, Rye Public Library, Rye, NH, sharon@rye.lib.nh.us Heather Majeske, teacher, heatherm17@verizon.net Adele Mangipano adele@iamerica.net Mansfield High School students Emily Manis, e-manis@wiu.edu, college student Sawsan Mansour, sawmr@aol.com, teacher Mary Beth, me-mansker@wiu.edu, college student Maroa - Forsyth Middle School students Nicole Marriott, laurynlace@yahoo.com, teacher Margaret Marshall, m-marshall@wiu.edu, college student Joan Marstiller, JMarstille@aol.com, Franklin Regional Jr. High, Murrysville, PA Lisa Mathieu, Alton Central School, N.H., stilly2772@aol.com Kathy McCabe mccabe56@bellsouth.net Ashley McKown, ajm175@wiu.edu, college student Sarah McGowan, teacher, sarah3218@msn.com Megan McGraw, student, spottedcalf@gmail.com Beth McGuire, mcguireb@fastmail.fm, Burke High School, Charleston, SC Colin Meyer, CT-Meyer@wiu.edu, college student Elaine Meyer. elaine.meyer@woodbridge.k12.nj.us, School Library Media Specialist, Colonia High School, NJ Kelly Michaelis, kmichaelis@baraboo.k12.wi.us, Baraboo Middle School, Baraboo, WI Lena Michaud, lmichaud@maine.edu Stella Michel, Newbridge Rd. School Library Keaton Miller, 3millerhikers@sio.midco.net, K-12 student Minturn Middle School, Minturn, CO students La Shon Mitchell, college student, lashonmitchell@yahoo com Melissa Mixon, MelissaM@darlington.k12.sc.us, West Hartsville Elementary School, Hartsville, SC Esther Moberg, Youth Librarian, Creswell Library, Creswell, Oregon Christine Moningka, moningkc@csusb.edu, teacher Jennifer Mooney, jmooney@mcps.org, librarian Katie Morel, teacher, cleankatie@msn com Shellean Morgan, smorgan1@leslie.k12.ky.us Frederick Muller fmuller@planet.net, Halsted Middle School Library, Newton, New Jersey Lauren Nayden, lr-nayden@wiu.edu, college student Laura Negley, lm-negley@wiu.edu, college student Miriam Neiman, neiman@glasct.org, Welles-Turner Memorial Library, Glastonbury, CT New Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee Angie Newsom, College student Stephanie F. Nichols, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, sfnichols1@yahoo.com Allie Nowlin, aa-nowlin@wiu.edu, college student Nina Nuesken, ND-Nuesken@wiu.edu, college student Melinda Nuttle, mnuttle@owsley.k12.ky.us Mary O'Connell, me-oconnell2@wiu.edu, College student Shannon O'Connor, NANNER012@aol.com, college student Terry W. Oesau, terryoesau@aol.com, teacher Suzanne O'Hara, sohara04064@yahoo.com Autumn Ojea, AutumnOjea@msn.com, Valencia High School, California, USA Brittany Olufson, teacher, brittany_olufson@verizon net Jenna O'Malley, jm-o-malleu@wiu.edu, college student Michelle Owens-Rogers, owenm302@csusb.edu, college student Linda Packard, 4th grade teacher, Pullman Elem., Pullman, MI Esther Paddock, esthermloyer@hotmail.com, college student Kristen Parks, kristenines@aol.com, college student Patrick, Patrickp@yahoo.com Kim Patton, Young Adult Specialist, Lawrence Public Library, Lawrence, KS kpatton@lawrence.lib.ks.us Lisa Paton ldhp60@aol.com Bertha Perez, BClementine05@gmail.com, college student Rebecca C. Pierce, bapierce@mobiletel.com, Golden Meadow Lower Elementary, Golden Meadow, Louisiana, USA Donnah Phillips, dphillips@nederland.k12.tx.us, Library Media Specialist, C.O. Wilson Middle School, Nederland, Texas Robin Phillips, teacher, rphillips8@verizon.net George Pilling (georgepilling@hotmail.com) Della Phipps, librarian, phipps_d@lib.chattanooga.gov Elizabeth Portanova, kalpha@hotmail.com, college student Allison L. Powell, powellal@pickens.k12.sc.us, Pickens Elementary School, Pickens, SC Angela A. Price, sweetpea01@infoave.net, Lancaster County Becky Proctor, jonseyreeves@aol.com, school librarian at Dorchester Academy in St. George, SC Alexandra Provence, Library Media Teacher, Springstowne Middle School, Vallejo, CA alexand278@aol.com H. Pruitt, hpruitt@anderson2.k12.sc.us, Media Specialist Stacy Putz, putzs@csusb.edu, college student Linda Rogde, Secondary Media Center, Seoul Foreign School, Seoul, S. Korea Carmine Rau, librarian, crau@krl.org Arleka Raynor, Herford County Middle School Kimberly Rector, kimberly.rector@bcsemail.org Heather Regus, hregus@hotmail.com, college student Tamara Rehberg, tammygrehberg@yahoo.com, teacher Teresa Reid (teereid97@mindspring.com) Stephani Reiher, Sr-Reiher@wiu.edu, college student Nicole Reynolds, teacher, shopgirlnic@yahoo com Elisabeth Reyes, student Andrea Richards, AL-Richards@wiu.edu, college student Ellie Rickelman, eam-rickelman@wiu.edu, college student Kayla Riley, kmr125@wiu.edu, college student Kristin Robinson, LMS Dwight Elementary School, Fairfield, CT G. Rocha, xangel2001@yahoo.com, teacher Gayle Jernigan Rogers, St. Jude High School Library, Montgomery, Alabama Lanora Rogers, rogersl1961@yahoo.com, Westview Elementary Stefanie Rogers, sr-rogers@wiu.edu, college student Tracy Roope, smarter_sport101@yahoo.com, HCMS Library, Murfreesboro, NC Susan Rosenstein, susan_rosenstein@camh.net, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Mike Rusie, Dukie4@comcast.net Dawn Rutherford, rutherfo@hotmail.com, Children's and Young Adult Librarian, Chicago Public Library Catherine Ryan, c_ryan16@yahoo.com Alison S. , 9as03der@birmingham.k12.mi.usm K-12 student April Salas, mizzapearlabigail@gmail.com, teacher Gloria Sanchez gloriavs@aol.com Sandra, melonchollyrain@yahoo.com Jennifer Sarff, JR-Sarff@wiu.edu, college student Ruth P Savinda, rpsavinda@yahoo.com "Jill Savage", Las Vegas, NV <jillysavage@hotmail.com> Amy Schaffner, amy.schaffner@risd.org, librarian Melanie Schneider, schneider4790@msn.com, teacher Jill Schuster, tigger_90503@yahoo.com, librarian Jami Schwarzwalder" <JSchwarzwalder@piercecountylibrary.org Jill Sessions, jlsessions@knology.net Maggie Shanley, Youth Service Librarian, Radford Public Library, Radford Va 24141, maggieshanley@yahoo.com Patty Shingleton, Hazard, KY Manda Sias, teacher, msias@menifeeusd org Mary M. Silgals, Trident Academy, for South Carolina Young Adult Book Awards Sylvia Simmons, teacher, sylnick@aol com Robyn Slone, robslo1@aol.com Judith A. Smith, smitju@ksd.org, Desert Hills Middle School, Kennewick, WA Nadia Smith, nadiahcms2009@yahoo.com, Hertford County Middle School Library Tayler Jae Smith, squigglebug@earthlink.net, HCMS Library Missy Smits, Library Media Specialist, DePere, WI Markie Snider, markiesnider@gmail.com, teacher Mariah Snyder, Whiting Community School Whiting, Iowa Lexi Somerville, somervll@pickens.k12.sc.us, Easley High, Easley, SC South Carolina Children's Book Award Jessica Stalsberg, jls191@wiu.edu, college student Carole Stanley, Teacher - Lake Worth, Texas Joni Stanley, jonistanley@yahoo.com, teacher Joanne Steckling, librarian, joanne@jsteckling com Kelly Steers, teacher, kellysteers@yahoo.com Danielle Stogenson, dr-stogenson@wiu.edu, college student Students from Mrs. Henry's Third Grade Class Students of Musselman Middle School (W.V.) Joanne Suzara, jsuzara704@yahoo.com, Goose Creek High, Goose Creek, SC Laura Suarez, laurasuarez4@aol.com, teacher Michael Sullivan, Author and Children's Literature Expert, Tales Told Tall Stacy Holcombe Symborski, stacy_holcombe@yahoo.com, D.R. Middle School Media Specialist/USC MLIS intern Dalma Takacs, dalmatakac@msn.com Pam Taylor, ptaylor@augusta.k12.va.us, librarian Leigh Terstriep, lm-terstriep@wiu.edu, college student MaryFrances Thomas whthomas1@earthlink.net Mavis Thomas, college student, MMT331@aol com Prudie Thomas, pthomas@pineville.k12.ky.us Susan L. Tkatch, sltkatch@csusb.edu, college student Mark Todd, rmarktodd@yahoo.com, Creek Bridge Media Center, Marion, SC, USA Katie Tolley, KJ-Tolley@wiu.edu, college student Meg Torrens, megtorren@yahoo.com, Palmetto Bays Elementary, Myrtle Beach, SC Brenda Torrez, felime@msn.com, teacher Theresa Toy Hsin-Chiao Tseng, college student, angel2929 tw@yahoo com tw Lucy Turner, lucyturn1@yahoo.com, MLIS Intern, University of South Carolina Jennifer Underhill, jenniferunderhill@yahoo.com, Master's Student at Florida State University Christi Unker cunker@oldham.k12.ky.us Stephanie Vail, M.L.I.S. Valentina Makes Him First, vmakes7804@olc edu, college student Carol Van Brocklin, Faith Academy--Davao, Davao City, Philippines Kenny VanHouten, KW-VanHouten@wiu.edu, College student Sherri Varek, sa-varek@wiu.edu, college student Jennifer Volk, teacher, jvo212@yahoo com Lynne Wainwright, Paine Primary, Trussvile, AL, USA Mary Lou Wallace, marylwal@bellsouth.net, East Aiken Elementary School Zhou Wang, fuzhouzhouwa@yahoo.com, HCMS Library Therese-Anne Wanstrath, teacher, tsanne2000@hotmail com Sandra Watkins <costa.watkins@misslink.net> Zina L. Watkins, zlwatkins3@yahoo.com, Univ. of South Carolina Lisa Wegner, Youth Services Director, Waunakee Public Library Penny D. Weigand, Bellissima Publishing, LLC Meaghan Wendland, me-wendland@wiu.edu, college student Bettina Wesloh, Carroll County Public Library, Eldersburg, MD Kathleen Quiroz West, kathleenwest@gmail.com, teacher Justin Whitt, nightwinggkangel@wmconnect.com, Vigilante from Berea, KY Karen Wiedmeier, wiedmeik@bellsouth.net, Media Specialist Intern, A. Brian Merry Elementary School Karen Williamson, williakw@pickens.k12.sc.us, Pickens High School, Pickens, SC Theo H Willis, willist@csusb.edu, college student Forrest Willow, Bakersfield, CA, USA Pamela Red Willow, pred3776@olc.edu, college student Linda Wolfgram, wolfgraml@crpl.cedar- rapids.lib.ia.us, Middle/High School Media Specialist, Benton Community Schools, Van Horne, IA Julianne Wollmer. jfrost@mvusd.k12.ca.us, teacher Karen Womack, graduate student, <kwomack7@yahoo.com> Angelita Wright, librarian, Angelita Wright@SAUSD US Alicia Wresinski, am-wresinski@wiu.edu, college student Virginia Wright, wrightvi@oplin.lib.oh.us Chloe Zagarella, City Library, Haines City FL, USA Barbara Stewart Zinkovich, barbiez@bellsouth.net, USC library intern © Permission is granted for the noncommercial duplication and use of this resource, provided it is substantially unchanged from its present form and appropriate credit is given. |