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New York : Arthur A. Levine
Books, 2003.
IL 3-6, RL 5.7
ISBN 0439425190
3 booktalks
Do you know any eleven-year-olds
that attend high school and for added fun take college courses in the summer?
Meet Millicent Min Girl Genuis. Millie has an eventful summer learning
about life, volleyball, and friendship. While reading this you will ask
yourself, “How can a genius be so dumb?” (Kari K. Eliason,,
Northwestern Middle School Student Teacher)
Booktalk #2
and a half year old Millicent Min, a true genius, has skipped many grades
in school. Next fall she will be a senior in high school. Sounds great,
but is it? Millicent feels like a misfit. She is too young for friends
in high school and feels too smart to make friends her own age. When her
parents sign her up to play volleyball, which she detests, she meets Emily.
Will this new girl in town really prove to be her friend? Can Millicent
keep Emily from finding out that she is a genius? Will Millicent ever fit
in somewhere, anywhere? See what happens when a genius tries to be “normal.”
(Jean B. Bellavance for Pennsylvania
Young Reader's Choice Awards, 2005-2006)
Eleven-year-old Millicent Min
is having the worst summer ever. Her mom’s signed her up for volleyball
lessons, she has to tutor the biggest goof-off in school—Stanford Wong,
and she can only take one college course. Can she help it that she’s a
genius who’s already starting her senior year of high school? To make things
worse, Millicent can’t find a true friend her own age because she’s always
around people older than her. How can somebody so book smart be so dumb
about real-life? Read Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee. (Prepared
by: Leigh Jordan,
SCASL Junior
Book Awards) |