Willis, Patricia
New York : Clarion Books,
IL 5-8, RL 5.2
ISBN 0395984092
Ross woke suddenly, realizing that the barn is filled with smoke. It is
1933, and Ross, 14 years old, has run away from home after fighting with
his father. He hopped trains across the country and slept wherever
he could, along with many other men who are out of work during the depression.
Now as he flees from the burning barn, he is seen and is blamed for the
fire. Ross escapes but more barns are burned and Ross must solve
the mystery or be arrested. This is a captivating, fast moving story with
many twists and turns. (Jean Bellavance
for Pennsylvania
Young Reader's Choice Awards, 2003) |
Runaways -- Fiction.
Home -- Fiction.
Family life -- Fiction.
Depressions 1929 -- Fiction. |
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