Maria D.
New York : HarperTrophy, 1997.
IL 3-6 RL 7.2
ISBN 0060269952
Quiner is a 7-year-old growing up in Wisconsin. The year is 1845
and the Quiner family has just survived through a hard winter with little
food. Things are looking brighter for them as they plant their crops
and look forward to the harvest to come. Caroline and her sister
must spend the summer months in school. Boys attend during the winter
when they are not needed on the farm. The girls attend during the
summer months when the boys are working in the fields. Caroline loves
school and does very well. This story is the second volume in a series
of books about Caroline's life. We follow Caroline from the 4th of
July through Christmas. Find out what Caroline's life was like before
she grew up to become Laura Ingalls Wilder's mother. |
Ingalls, Caroline Lake Quiner -- Fiction.
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-1957 -- Fiction.
Frontier and pioneer life -- Wisconsin -- Fiction.
Wisconsin -- Fiction.
Family life -- Fiction. |
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