Whelan, Gloria.
New York : HarperTrophy, 1997.
IL 3-6, RL4.2
ISBN 0064420566
is 1839 and Lucy's parents have died. She is now being sent to live
with an aunt and uncle she has never met. They run a mission school
for Indians. Aunt Emma is rather cold and has lots of rules.
Especially about not showing affection. She believes in living a
simple life. The Indian children at the school are taught to read,
write and do arithmetic. They are also taught a skill to get them
by in the world. Lucy is sad that the Indians are forced to give
up their Indian ways in order to fit in. When a strong willed girl
arrives, Lucy learns more than she ever thought she would. Find out
what goes on in The Indian School. |
Missionaries -- Fiction.
Indians of North America -- Fiction.
Orphans -- Fiction. |
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