Walter, Mildred Pitts
New York : Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1999
IL 3-6, RL 4.0
ISBN 0688165478
6'2", tall and gangly, Alexander (Xander) Bingham is a terrible athlete.
He is always chosen last for gym teams and feels especially self-conscious
on the basketball court. Yet his father wants Xander to join the
basketball team and become a star player. But Xander really shines
in art class! How can he win his father's approval yet follow his
dreams by pursuing his interest in art? Find
out in Suitcase by Mildred Pitts Walter. (Jean Bellavance
for Pennsylvania
Young Reader's Choice Awards, 2003) |
Self-perception -- Fiction.
Fathers and sons -- Fiction.
Artists -- Fiction.
African Americans -- Fiction. |
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