New York : Knopf, 2005.
IL 3-6, RL 4.4
ISBN 0375932747
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all you fish out there. I'm about to drop a dime on Harry Sue and
tell you a bit of her backstory. You see, her mother's a conette.
Now Harry Sue is doing time with her Grandmother. Now you might think
that the woman who runs Granny's Lap Daycare is a real lovely woman but
that wouldn't be further from the truth. We're talking about a woman
who gives the crumb snatchers cold medicine to keep them sleeping all day.
Not too cool. And Harry Sue's best homey just happens to be a quadriplegic.
No, Harry Sue is doing hard time. But she is not about to let the
world take her down. |
Mothers and daughters -- Fiction.
Separation (Psychology) -- Fiction.
Prisoners' families -- Fiction.
Friendship -- Fiction.
Paralysis -- Fiction.
People with disabilities -- Fiction. |
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