Spinner, Stephanie
New York : A.A. Knopf, 2002.
ISBN 0375914897
is a skilled archer and runner. She can out shoot and outrun just
about anyone in area. Abandoned at birth, she has been raised by
hunters and has learned her lessons well. She believes that the goddess
Artemis protected her and saved her life. Now, Atalanta has devoted
her life to serving the goddess. When a group of strangers arrive
to bring Atalanta to her father, she knows she must obey but doesn't want
to go. It turns out that her father is a king. But what kind
of king would leave his infant daughter in the woods to die? The
king is ill and doesn't have much time to live. He also doesn't have
a male heir. He demands that Atalanta marry and produce a grandson
to rule the kingdom. But that is not in her plans. She has
vowed never to marry. What will become of her? |
Atalanta (Greek mythology) -- Fiction.
Mythology, Greek -- Fiction.
Hunters -- Fiction.
Running races -- Fiction.
Sex role -- Fiction.
Historical fiction. |
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