Snyder, Zilpha Keatley.
New York : Delacorte, 2002.
IL 5-8, RL 5.9
ISBN 0385900643X
Hamiltons have just moved to Timber City. The family's introduction
to the town is the July Fourth picnic at Rathburn Park. It is there
that Matt hears about the fire that destroyed the original town and the
ghosts that haunt the park. He wanders away from the picnic, gets
lost in eh forest, and is lead out by a small dog that no one else can
see. Days later, when he goes back to the park, he meets Amelia,
a mysterious girl dressed in old-fashioned clothes, who claims to live
in Rathburn Manor. They explore the burned out church, the old Rathburn
house, and the swamp near the park. But why does Amelia warn Matt
never to enter the church without her? And why does Amelia take Matt
into the Manor through a broken cellar window? When Matt learns that
the only living Rathburn is also 100 years old, he wonders who Amelia really
is. And why does the mysterious dog only show up when Matt needs
help? Is Rathburn Park really haunted? Read The Ghosts of
Rathburn Park by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. (New
Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee) |
Moving, Household -- Fiction.
Lost children -- Fiction.
Ghosts -- Fiction.
Family life -- Fiction. |
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