New York : Puffin Books, 1989.
IL 3-6, RL 6.1
ISBN 0140340343
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the Dearlys married, they each brought one beautiful Dalmation to the home.
These in turn married and started a family. Missis was due to have
her puppies anytime when Cruella De Vil moved in nearby. Mrs. Dearly
had known Cruella in school and she vividly remembered the time that Cruella
drank ink! To be friendly, the Dearlys agreed to go to dinner with
the de Vils and to have them at their home in return. Little did
they know that Cruella had plans for the beautiful dogs. She wanted
to make a fur coat out of them! Will she get her way?? |
Dalmatian dog -- Fiction.
Dogs -- Fiction. |
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