New York : Tor, 1999.
IL YA RL 6.5
ISBN 0812568788
Millers lives in the small town of Billington. Now, Billington is very
different than Vegas. Vegas is a 24 hour town. Some thing is always happening.
And someone is always doing something to someone else. The best way to
describe Billington is boring. Nothing exciting or out of the ordinary
ever happens. That is … until a fellow schoolmate dies. This strange death
along with a weird conversation makes Jason feel unsure. Later in the story,
Jason is approached in private by a school monitor who gives him a robotic
type glove. Now let me tell you a little about this glove. This glove has
a shaft at the end of each finger. Does anyone know what I mean when I
say shaft? Well out of each these shafts, a BB comes out. The school monitor
tells Jason not to tell anyone anything about this glove and to meet him
at a certain time and a certain place. The place he wants to meet is Old
Town. Old town is a part of Billington that was deserted years ago. There
was a great disaster and everything was destroyed. The people who
lived there tried to rebuild their lives but many ended up getting ill
and dying. Jason and his friend Paula decide to research the incident.
They search through town records only to find missing information. Every
method they use to research information leads them to a dead end. To find
out about what happened at Old Town, and what is happening with Jason and
some of his friends, read
The Dark Side of Nowhere. ("Jill Savage",
Las Vegas, NV <>
) |
Extraterrestrial beings -- Fiction.
Identity -- Fiction.
Science fiction. |
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