New York : Dial Books for
Young Readers, 1997.
IL 5-8 RL 4.8
ISBN 0803721064
year is 1772. Young Melitte stands and remembers what her life has
been like and how she came to be here. Growing up in Louisiana as
the slave of a poor farmer was never easy. Melitte didn't even know
she was a slave. She just assumed that all children were treated
like this. When her owner married a cruel woman who seemed to enjoy
taunting Melitte, things got worse. Melitte even had thoughts of
poisoning Madame just to be rid of her. But then the baby was born.
The most precious little girl that anyone ever saw. Madame didn't
want to care for her so she gave Melitte the responsibility. As baby
Marie grew, the two girls became fast friends. To allow Marie to
have a Christian education, both Marie and Melitte were allowed to visit
a nearby plantation to attend worship. This is where Melitte learned
that there were other brown skinned folks. And they were slaves.
She never realize she was a slave. Now she is determined to leave
the family and become a free woman. Can a 13 year old girl ever hope
to be free? And even if she could, how would she ever leave little
Marie? Spend some time on the Louisiana farm with young Marie and
MELITTE to find out. |
Slavery -- Fiction.
Afro-Americans -- Fiction.
Louisiana -- History -- To 1803 -- Fiction.
Sisters -- Fiction. |
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