New York : HarperCollins,
IL 5-8, RL 5.8
ISBN 0397320825
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Well now, turn off the lights because I have More Scary Stories to Tell
in the Dark, such as Something Was Wrong, The Wreck, Somebody Fell from
Aloft and The Little Black Dog…just to name a few. There are so many delightfully
scary short stories in this book that I would like to share but there is
time for only one. Let’s see… How about The Bride? (This story is not quite
a page long so I read a portion of the story to get students hooked.) The
minister’s daughter had just gotten married. After the wedding ceremony
there was a great feast, with music and dancing and contests and games,
even old children’s games.
When they got to playing hide-and seek, the bride decided to hide in her
grandfather’s trunk up in the attic.
“They’ll never find me there,” she thought. As she was climbing into the
trunk, the lid came down and cracked her on the head, and she fell unconscious
inside. The lid slammed shut and locked. How long did she call for help?
How hard did she struggle to free herself from that trunk? Was she ever
found? Or did she die in that trunk become her tomb?The Bride one of the
many short scary stories in the book More Scary Stories to Tell in the
Dark (Lisa M. Cave,,
North Middle High School Library) |
Ghosts -- Folklore.
Folklore -- United States. |
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