Roxanne B.
Honesdale, PA : Boyds Mills,
IL K-3, RL 2.7
ISBN 1590781716
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year, the Native American tribe that inhabits various inlets of Southeast
Puget Sound in Washington State, perform the First Salmon ceremony.
According to tribal tradition, if the first salmon is treated with respect,
he will go tot the salmon village under the sea and lead his relatives
back to the rivers and streams. Charlie has always loved this ritual
but this year is different. Uncle Joe has died and everywhere Charlie
looks, he remembers how special it was to be with Uncle Joe. Can
Charlie overcome his grief and enjoy the ceremony once more? Or are
the memories of Uncle Joe too painful? |
Death -- Fiction.
Grief -- Fiction.
Uncles -- Fiction.
Indians of North America -- Northwest, Pacific -- Fiction.
Northwest, Pacific -- Fiction. |
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