Willo Davis.
New York : Atheneum Books
for Young Readers, 2004.
ISBN 0689850743
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the run and scared to death. This is never how Marc pictured his
life. But here he is -- running from the law after he killed someone.
As he and his dog head to Seattle, he has time to reflect on why his life
took such a terrible turn for the worse. It all goes back to his
sister Mallory. Marc never paid too much attention to her.
She was 6 years younger than he was so they didn't have too much in common.
She was a cute kid but he was too wrapped up in his own life to notice
her much. Until she got sick. Until she died. And then
his life fell apart. His parents couldn't handle their own pain and
couldn't help him with his. So he started taking his hurt out on
others. His acting out is what got him a stint at the work camp to
begin with. And it is what got him on the run with Blood on His
Hands. |
Family problems -- Fiction.
Emotional problems -- Fiction.
Grief -- Fiction. |
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