New York : Knopf, 2005.
IL 3-6, RL 3.8
ISBN 0375832424
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Frank was a young girl who lived a long time ago. She only lived
to be fifteen years old but her story is one that is known the world round.
Anne was a young Jewish girl living in the time of Adolph Hitler.
Hitler hated Jews and blamed all of Germany's problems on them. It
became so unbearable for Jews to live in Germany that Anne's family moved
to Amsterdam. But after a few years, life there became unbearable
for Jews as Hitler's armies invaded the country. When the German's
sent orders for Anne's sister to report to a German labor camp, the family
went into hiding. For two years, they lived in a small set of rooms
and were never able to go out. During this time, Anne poured out
her thoughts and fears in her diary. After Anne's death in a German
concentration camp, the diary was published. The diary has sold over
25 million copies and has been published in over 60 languages. Learn
about the life of the young girl who left her words so the rest of us will
never forget. |
Frank, Anne, 1929-1945.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Jews -- Biography.
Women -- Biography.
Amsterdam (Netherlands) -- Biography. |
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