Polacco, Patricia
New York : Simon and Schuster
Books for Young Readers, 1988.
IL K-3, RL 5.3
ISBN 0689820909
Great Grandma Anna, came to America from Russia, she had very little with
her. She had on her favorite dress and babushka. Anna loved
playing with her basbuska and wearing her dress to school. As she
grew, the dress became too small. She was very sad that she would
no longer have these clothes to wear. Her mother had a wonderful
idea. They took the dress and the babushka along with Uncle Vladimir's
shirt, Aunt Havalah's nightdress and Aunt Natasha's apron and cut out shapes.
They ladies of the neighborhood got together and made a beautiful quilt
with pieces from all the clothes. Anna's mother said that the quilt
would be a reminder of their journey to America. Through the years,
the quilt serves many purposes. To find out how the quilt was used
through the years, read Patricia Polacco’s story of THE KEEPING QUILT. |
Quilts -- Fiction.
Jews -- Fiction.
Emigration and immigration -- Fiction. |
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