Stephanie True.
New York : Benchmark Books,
IL 3-6, RL 8.9
ISBN 0761416358
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is a disease we hear little about today. We do get vaccinated against
it. But the vaccine is a relatively recent discovery. During
the first part of the 20th century, the fear of polio was real. It
struck terror into the hearts of parents everywhere. Those unfortunate
children who did get polio were left permanently crippled, forced to wear
leg braces, use crutches or a wheelchair, or live out the rest of their
lives encased in the breathing apparatus known as the iron lung.
The disease was not limited to one part of the population. Anyone
could get it. Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt had contracted
polio as a child. This book explores the history of polio and the
people who dedicated themselves to eradicating it. |
Poliomyelitis -- History. |
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