New York : Houghton Mifflin,
IL K-3 RL 5.9
ISBN 0395383684
any of you have a pet? (Discuss types of pets students have.)
Bill Peet and his family had a pet that belonged to the rodent family.
Can anyone think of what animals belong to the rodent family? (Discuss.)
Well I bet that many of you have never heard about the type of pet that
Bill Peet’s family had. Let me give you some clues: it belongs to
the rodent family, it has slightly webbed feet, it looks kind of like a
giant guinea pig, it weighs about one hundred pounds, and is about two
feet tall at the shoulder. Can you guess this rodent? It is
a capybara. They normally live along lakes and rivers in South America.
Find out how such a large rodent found its way into the Peet home and about
what life in the Peet home was like. (Lorie Green. Library Media Specialist,
Manor Hill Elementary, Liberty, MO |
Peet, Bill -- Juvenile literature
Capybaras as pets |
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