New York : Dell, 1991
IL YA RL 5.6
ISBN 0531058395
and his brother Wayne live on a farm in Minnesota with their parents, Uncle
David, and Nels. Eldon goes through a year with his family, starting with
spring and ending with winter. He describes the sights, sounds, and smells,
and why he likes certain seasons and not the others. He describes the surroundings
of the farm and the house, including the "winter room," or living room,
where the family gathers each evening after supper to listen to Uncle David
tell stories, the first of which is always about his wife, Alida. But one
night Uncle David tells a story about a logging hero and Wayne calls him
a liar, saying he had never done any of the things he tells about. Uncle
David is very hurt and for a while there are no stories. Then Eldon and
Wayne see Uncle David in the barn with an axe and for a few moments he
is young and strong again, and life after that goes back to normal.
(Linda Wolfgram,,
Middle/High School Media Specialist, Benton Community Schools, Van Horne,
IA) |
Farm life -- Fiction
Lumber and lumbering -- Fiction
Norwegian Americans -- Fiction
Minnesota -- Fiction |
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