New York : Bantam Doubleday
Dell Books for Young Readers, 1994
IL 5-8, RL 6.9
ISBN 0440409233
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Old Man road out here with nothing but a gun and took all of this land.
He began herding the sheep when he was just a boy, so I know I can do it
too. Or at least I hope that I can. I’ve always wanted to be
like him. Survive on nothing but what the land has to offer.
Be in charge. But now I have no choice about it with Tink sick and
Cawley needed at the farm, I’ll have to manage on my own until Dad comes
to help bring the sheep home. Nothing could have prepared me for
the openness, the wandering sheep, and nature’s fury. I wonder why
Dad never told me to expect all of that? I guess that would have
required him to talk to me and he doesn’t do much of that since Mom died.
How many sheep will I lose? Will I make it the three months?
(Elizabeth Ashley,,
Student, USC, Columbia, SC) |
Ranch life -- Fiction.
Sheep -- Fiction.
Self-reliance -- Fiction.
Wyoming -- Fiction.
Coming of age -- Fiction. |
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