My parents
are alcoholics so I get farmed out to different relatives. This time
I’m going to live with the Larsons—a second aunt and uncle and cousins.
They have a son who’s a few years younger than me, but much wiser in the
ways of farming. My first morning on the farm I’m shocked to be awakened
before daylight; amazed at breakfast as the farmhand, Louis, eats
three stacks of pancakes before Harris is forced to share a stack with
me (when actually booktalking this I described in detail how Louis sat
at the table with fork ready and how he twirled the pancake around the
fork and shoved it in whole); I get kicked by a cow; attacked by a killer
rooster; and attack an unsuspecting pig—all before lunch. (Again,
during the booktalk, I went into more detail being “Me” and describing
these events.) I quickly realize that life will never be dull around
Harris—dangerous, but never dull. My summer on the Larson farm is
my best summer ever. Read my story and see what a good time I had
with Harris. (Mary Huebscher, Librarian, Holy Cross High School,
San Antonio, TX 78228 <>)
The main problem in this book
is that Me's parents did something bad. He was sent to his uncles and aunts.
He also has a fun time there. The lesson that is learned is you shouldn’t
judge people by their appearance or how they act. You have to get to know
them before you judge them. Me thinks Harris is obnoxious until he got
to know him. I liked this novel because Harris does funny things.
For example he puts a washing machine motor on a pedal bike. (Kirk
C., student) |