New York : Lodestar, 1996.
IL 5-8 RL 5.5
ISBN 0525675434
story takes place in Vermont during the years 1855-1865. Jip is a young
man living on the town's poor farm. No one really knows where Jip came
from. The story goes that Jip fell off a gypsy wagon out on West Hill Road
and that no one ever came back for him. The townsfolk named him Jip West
and sent him off to live on the poor farm. Jip had a wonderful way with
animals and it was only natural that he be put in charge of the lunatic
who came to live on the farm. When a stranger comes to town and starts
asking about Jip, the lunatic warns him not to believe what the man is
saying. What does the stranger want with Jip? Could he really hold the
key that will unlock the mystery of Jip's past? Watch for a character from
one of Paterson's other books to come to Jip's defense. |
Identity -- Fiction
Fugitive slaves -- Fiction
Slavery -- Fiction
African Americans -- Fiction |
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