Jean Davies
New York : Tom Doherty Associates,
IL 3-6 RL 6.2
ISBN: 0812543238
Jane and he best and only friend Alicia do everything together and think
they always will--unitl the horrible news comes: Alicia is moving
away. Now Jane is left to start seventh grade in a new school all
alone. She can't decide which is worse, riding the bus by herself or having
no one to eat lunch with. But Jane isn't the only one who's alone.
Her grandfather just sits in his room upstairs since Gramma died.
He doesn't even bother to put his teeth in! Then one day Jane's mother
decides Jane should take Gramps to Seattle Centre. There they discover
a seniors' dance, a cute boy with a skateboard, and lots of nice ladies
who (Jane is sure) would love to dance with Gramps if he would just put
his teeth in and ask!
Even though Gramps won't talk to any of the ladies (yet), he has some good
advice for Jane on making new friends--just say "Hi!" Jane isn't
so sure about this idea, but she gives it a try. And people start
saying "Hi!" back! Jane is thrilled to have her new friend Carly
save her a seat on the bus and to have some people to eat lunch with.
Then, Saturday night, Jane and Gramps go to another seniors' dance; this
time they agree to say Hi to the cute boy with the skateboard and his lovely
grandmother. Thinkgs turn out better than Jane ever expected, and
everybody has a great time. But the following Saturday brings an
awful surprise for Jane and Gramps. Together they learn that sometimes
no matter how old you are, you just have to take a chance. (Stacy Charlesbois,
Adult & Young Adult Services Librarian,,
Farmington Community Library, Farmington, Michigan) |
Grandfathers -- Fiction.
Friendship -- Fiction.
Loss (Psychology) -- Fiction. |
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