New York : Bloomsbury, 2004.
ISBN 1582349576
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over Georgia Nicolson. Here comes Calypso. She's from LA but
her parents have sent her to an exclusive British boarding school.
Life at Saint Augustine's has not been so great during the past couple
of years. Viewed as an outsider, Calypso has few friends and is taunted
by the in-crowd. But she is determined to change all that this year.
One way to be accepted by the in-crowd is to pull fit boys -- kiss gorgeous
older boys. So Calypso, with the help of her mother's new gay assistant,
comes up with a story that she and Jay are an item. Believe it or
not, it works and she becomes accepted by the group. But then a strange
thing happens. The royal prince becomes interested in her.
This should be a good thing, right? Well, it doesn't turn out that
way. |
Interpersonal relations -- Fiction.
Fencing -- Fiction.
Boarding schools -- Fiction.
Princes -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.
England -- Fiction.
Humorous stories. |
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