San Diego : Harcourt Brace,
ISBN 0152016481
Hi, my name is Miracle McCloy. My life up to this point has been
very complicated. It all started a few years ago. I was living with
my grandmother, Gigi, who was a medium, a person who can contact the dead,
and my father who was a struggling author. I was born out of a body
of a dead person, which was my mother, obviously. So that is why
my name is Miracle. My grandmother is always reminding me that I
am a very lucky and special girl.
One day my father mysteriously vanished. All that was in his place
were a pile of clothes and a bunch of lit candles. My grandmother
claimed that he has “melted.” So in order to try to start a new life
we decided to move to Alabama and live with my Grandfather Opal, who I
have never met before.
He seems to be very content with himself and kind of grumpy. After
a while we warmed up to each other I told him about how my grandmother
is always reminding me how I was born out of a body of a dead person.
Granddaddy Opal claims that that’s not possible and I wouldn’t be living
if that was true. This really gets me thinking about myself and I come
to a point that I couldn’t even look at my self in the mirror.
One day with all this stuff building up in me, like how could my father
possibly melt, how could I be living when I was born out of a body of a
dead person, and maybe my dad would bring my mom back if he comes back.
So I decided to light candles all around me on the floor and put on my
dad’s old bathrobe. I crouched down and kept getting closer and closer
to the heat and fire. The next thing I remember is waking up on a
hospital bed. I was being treated for being burned severely.
As I continued to recover, a doctor named Dr. DeAngelis became one of my
good friends and I continued seeing him everyday for the next few days.
He helped me through all of my thoughts and helped me clear them all up.
This made everything make more sense to me. He also helped me express
my feelings toward my family members. (Bailey J., 8th grade student, Rundlett
Middle School) |
Family problems -- Fiction.
Supernatural -- Fiction. |
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