Phyllis Reynolds.
New York : Atheneum, 1992.
IL 5-8, RL 6.2
ISBN 0689317735
Click on the book to read Amazon reviews
All But Alice the problem is that Alice wants some cool kids to like her.
The way she can is to do what she's told to do like play a prank on her
friend Patrick. At the end she decides not to. She doesn't care if they
don't like her because she still has her best friend Patrick.
The theme of All But Alice is that it doesn't matter what everyone thinks
of you it's what you think of yourself. At the end Alice stopped
caring what everyone else thought of her. Also the real friends are the
ones who stick by your side. For example how Patrick is always there for
I enjoyed reading All But Alice because it's an exciting book full of real
problems. I can really relate to Alice and her problems in jr. high. What
I like about Alice books is that they're all exciting novels to read. Also
you can never get bored if your reading Alice books. (Harpreet K.,
Student) |
Conduct of life -- Fiction.
Clubs -- Fiction.
Interpersonal relations -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction. |
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