PublishAmerica, 2005
ISBN 1413749224
Click on the book to read Amazon review
Child abuse is a difficult concept to understand. The thought of
a parent looking into the angelic face of their son or daughter and feeling
a destructive urge is unfathomable to most of us. Most parents love
their children. Most want to protect their children and support them.
To those parents, I commend you. But this story isn't for the children
who’ve led the happy-go-lucky childhoods or even those adults who’ve grown
up knowing they were loved and they loved in return. This story is
for the thousands of children in our country alone who suffer the horrors
of child abuse more frequently than most children scrape a knee.
This story if for the thousands of adults who’ve overcome child abuse or
maybe are still struggling with the aftereffects on a daily basis.
This is a picture of one child’s life, three weeks taken out of many she
has to endure. I hope, in some small way, telling Sarah’s story will
help the children out there who are praying for salvation or death.
As a former victim of child abuse, I can tell you that salvation is the
better choice. This is one child’s journal. Parts of this story
are true and that is what’s the most difficult about writing a story like
this. None of this should be true. This shouldn’t happen to
any child. (Dawn Carrington,,
Vintage Romance Publishing editor) |
Child abuse -- Fiction. |
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