Have you ever dreamed of purchasing
something you really wanted. You save and save and find out you don't
have enough money. This is exactly what happens to Saruni a boy from
Tanzania. If you work hard you can accomplish good things and that
will certainly happen if you read "My Rows and Piles of Coins" by Tololwa
This would be a great book
when talking about other countries. They use Maasi words and the
illustrations really depict the country in a positive way. (Karen Womack
Bring different hard coins
and ask students if they know what much each one is worth. Ask them
what, in today's society, can they buy with each piece of money.
Go round robin and ask each participant if they have ever saved money to
buy something. Where did they get the money or how did they earn
it? Then introduce this book and the main character who saved his
money also to buy something very special and important to him. ("Naomi
Bates" <>) |