New York : Philomel Books,
IL 5-8 RL 4.7
ISBN 0399233032 |
year old Tanya lives on a farm in the Balkans with her parents. The year
is 1913. On the way back from town, a flood collapses the bridge her parents
were crossing and they are swept out to sea. Tanya won't accept that her
parents are gone forever. She refuses to stay in town with another family
and insists on returning to her farm. She is desparate to have the farmhouse
looking good when her parents return. She decides to make some muffins
just like her mother did. These muffins turn out to be the best muffins
anyone has tasted. Day after day, villagers come to Tanya for muffins.
She starts to charge for the muffins but still the villagers come. Soon,
people from neighboring villages begin to visit to buy the wonderful muffins.
As winter approaches, Tanya wonders if she can make it on her own. To find
out what becomes of Tanya, read THE MUFFIN CHILD. |
Orphans -- Fiction
Death -- Fiction
Resourcefulness -- Fiction |
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