Norma Fox.
Orlando : Harcourt, 2005.
IL 5-8
ISBN 0152014624
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life has been one of privilege. Her father is a successful businessman.
They have a beautiful home, three cars, country club membership, and everything
Vicki could want. Until the company downsizes and her father finds
himself out of work for the first time in 28 years. Unable to find
work in two years, the family must make some sacrifices to say afloat.
Gone is the house, the cars, the country club, the clothes, furniture and
most of everything that Vicki had known. Now they live in a small
apartment in the city and never have enough money. As Vicki struggles
to come to terms with her new lifestyle and her new school, she writes
in her journal which is the only place she feels she can be completely
honest. |
Family problems -- Fiction.
Parent and child -- Fiction.
Unemployment -- Fiction.
Moving, Household -- Fiction. |
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