Ann M.
New York : Scholastic, 2004.
IL 5-8, RL 6.5
ISBN 0439579449
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days, Ellie Dingman wonders if she can continue to believe in her mother
and accept her faults. Doris Day Dingman is not like the other mothers
in town. Doris dreams of being an actress or a model. That
isn't too realistic in a small town in New York. Ellie is having
her own problems at school as the kids target her and her best friend for
bullying. After President Kennedy is assassinated, Doris feels the
need to live out her dreams before it's too late. So, she packs her
bags and heads off to New York City leaving Ellie to watch her younger
brother and sister while dad is at work. And now it's up to Ellie
to hold the family together. But how can she when she can't even
get through a day at school without being slammed? |
Identity -- Fiction.
Mothers -- Fiction.
Family life -- Fiction.
Prejudices -- Fiction.
Neighborhood -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.
New York (State) -- History -- 20th century -- Fiction.
Historical fiction. |
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