Littke, Lael.
New York : H. Holt, 1998.
ISBN 0805057293
is lucky to have survived the car accident. Or is she? As she
lay near death in the hospital, she dreamed that her twin sister had joined
her. Her sister who died many years ago. Her twin sister who
Janine sometimes pretends to be. And now Lenore has come back from
the dead to share Janine's body. As frightening as that is, what's
worse is that Lenore claims that Janine killed her. Janine barely
remembers that day when they were four years old. But she is sure
she could never have killed her own twin sister. After all, she is
the good twin. Lenore was the bad one. What really happened
on that fateful day? |
Near-death experiences Fiction.
Twins -- Fiction.
Sisters -- Fiction.
Traffic accidents -- Fiction.
Guilt -- Fiction. |
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