New York : Albert Whitman,
IL 5-8, RL 5.3
ISBN 0807531480
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white suitcase arrives in Tokyo, Japan in March of 2000. On the outside
is the name Hana Brady, the date May 16, 1931, and the word Waisenkind,
which means orphan in German. The suitcase becomes part of the Holocaust
collection at the education center run by Fumiko Isioka. The Japanese
children who see it want to know more about Hana and so does Fumiko.
What was she like? Did she and her family escape the Nazis?
What did she pack in her suitcase? What happened to her? What
can a man in Canada tell them about Hana? Read Hana’s Suitcase to
find the answers to these questions, and to get to know Hana Brady.
(New Hampshire Great
Stone Face committee, 2005-2006) |
Brady, Hana.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Czech Republic.
Czech Republic -- History -- 1938-1945.
Ishioka, Fumiko.
Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center. |
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