New York : Houghton Mifflin,
IL K-3, RL 5.6
ISBN 0618254064
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is afraid of something. For me it’s snakes and spiders. For my mom it’s
driving. For you it could be mean dogs or lightning storms. Being afraid
is perfectly normal. It is only bad when your fear keeps you from enjoying
life like it did for poor Twitchly Fidget. Twitchly is a lemur that is
afraid of everything. He won’t shampoo his hair because he is afraid that
it won’t rinse out and birds will be attracted to his head. He won’t eat
cereal because he is afraid that the crunchy noises might make him jump
and hit his head. He won’t wear sneakers because he’s afraid that he may
put them on the wrong feet. He won’t celebrate the holidays with his fellow
lemurs because he’s afraid that something might happen. So poor Twitchly
sits alone in his dreary, windowless, door less hut and waits for the worst
to happen. Until one day his Aunt Bridget Fidget drops by and changes everything.
To find out how Aunt Bridget turns everything around and saves Twitchly
from his fears, read Something Might Happen by Helen Lester. (Zina
L. Watkins, University of South Carolina) |
Worry -- Fiction.
Fear -- Fiction.
Lemurs -- Fiction.
Aunts -- Fiction. |
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