Krull, Kathleen.
San Diego : Harcourt, 2003.
IL 3-6, RL 6.3
ISBN 0152014373
you ever felt you were treated unjustly? Most of us have felt that
way at one time or other. Sometimes we let it pass and sometimes
we stand up for ourselves. Cesar Chavez was a man who stood up to
injustice. He saw migrant farm workers being treated unfairly.
They were paid very little and were treated badly. They spent hours
in the fields picking crops and were forced to live in awful camps.
So, as a young man, Cesar decided to do something about it. He had
been brought up to believe that violence solved nothing so he set out to
organize the farm workers in a nonviolent protest. At first, no one
paid much attention to him but then things began to change. Find
out how one man was able to make a change in Harvesting Hope. |
Non-Fiction |
Chavez, Cesar, 1927-1993.
Labor leaders.
Mexican Americans -- Biography.
Migrant labor.
United Farm Workers. |
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