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Korman, Gordon. UNGIFTED New York : Balzer + Bray, 2012 IL 5-8, RL 5.6 ISBN 006174266X (3
booktalks) |
Booktalk #1 Donovan Curtis (IQ 112) is not
gifted. Seventh grader Donovan Curtis is impulsive. Act before
thinking is his major character trait and that has made
him the frequent focus of appointments with the
principal and school meetings with his parents. In fact
as the novel opens we find him in this same scenario,
only this time it is the office of Dr. Schultz, (IQ
127), the Superintendent of the Hardcastle Independent
School District, 47 buildings, 30,000 students. Why you may ask? Well it has something to
do with a bronze statue of Atlas, no longer holding the
weight of the world, that rolled through the double
glass doors of the Hardcastle Middle School gym during a
major basketball game. How this leads to Donovan being sent to the
gifted Academy for Scholastic Distinction (ASD) is a
plot very much in the style, and humor of author Gordon
Korman. Told in alternating chapters from the
viewpoints (and IQs) of the major characters, this
realistic fiction novel weaves in robots (you will love
Tin Man), a pregnant sister, a somewhat bizarre dog,
health education classes and a brother-in-law in
Afghanistan. What this novel also weaves in is a look at
different perspectives of giftedness and the gifted
child and what gifts even the “ungifted” might possess
and be needed by the best and the brightest. (Booktalk
written by Kathleen Fencil, GSF Committee Bedford Middle
School) Booktalk #2 Have you ever
had one of those days at school that you know is going
to result in a phone call home? You walk home as
slowly as possible, and then try to be the one that
gets the phone every time it rings. That is exactly
how Donovan Curtis feels the night that he accidently
destroys his middle school gym. He makes it through
the night only to be called to the office the next day
at school. Imagine his surprise when he finds out that
he has been accepted into the Academy of Scholastic
Distinction, a special program for gifted and talented
students. Donovan is excited that he has found a way
to escape his punishment, but how will he ever fit in
with allthe kids at the Academy. Read Ungifted by
Gordon Korman in order to find out if Donovan can fool
everyone and find a place at his new school. (South
Carolina Children's Book Award nominee, 2015 Prepared
by: Traci Nelson, Aiken Elementary School,
tnelson@aiken.k12.sc.us ) Booktalk #3 Donovan is quite gifted when it comes to pulling a prank. After he pulls the prank of the century and destroys the school gym, he is caught by the Superintendent. Instead of being punished, he ends up by mistake in the Academy of Scholastic Distinction. Now Donovan is really out of his league. These kids are true geniuses. Donovan may not be a genius, but he brings the robotic team together and helps instill a sense of fun in their serious project. He’s the only one who can use a joystick! When the principal realizes that the robotic team has not taken the Human Growth and Development course, Donovan solves the problem. Instead of going to summer school, the class focuses on his sister Katie who is seven months pregnant. They get so involved they become her birth coaches. The characters help tell the story. We learn that it may be difficult to be gifted: Chloe world like to be more “normal. Noah wants to “flunk: out, but the teachers won’t allow it. (Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award, 2015) |
SUBJECTS: Behavior -- Fiction. Middle schools -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.
Gifted children -- Fiction.
Robots -- Fiction.
Robotics -- Fiction. Humorous stories. |