New York : Hyperion, 1998.
IL 3-6 RL 4.8
ISBN 0786813350 |
grade friends Wiley and Jeff are so good at giving people nicknames that
they stick, no matter what! Like Deer in Headlights for the principal and
Snoopy for the kid who is always lurking around listening to other peoples
business. They even make a nondescript kid cool when they call him the
Iceman. But their friendship is sorely tested when they have to come up
with a nickname for the new girl in class, the one they are both interested
in. She defies description! And how can they help Mr. Huge, their
exuberant teacher, keep his job when the prospect seems bleak? The class
has done poorly on a standardized test and Mr. Huggers job is in jeopardy
unless the class can come up with a plan. You’ll love the plan the Dim
Bulbs come up with and here's a hint: just read the book! (New
Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee) |
Nicknames -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.
Humorous stories. |
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