New York : Scholastic, 1996.
ISBN 0590485911 |
by asking, "Who plays sports?"
Then ask: "Have you ever been
in a zone?"
Man, there's nothing like
it in sports, is there?
Shoot, there's probably nothing
else like it in life!
Who knows why you slip into
one, how long you'll be in it or why you
suddenly fall out of it?
I just know that for a few magical minutes, you are capable of just about
anything. My name's Jimmy Doyle. And that's where I was on the night I
was invited to play on the US team for the world's first ever international
basketball tournament for players seventeen and under.
Starting shooting guard. Now
don't get me wrong, I was honored to have been asked, but who was I kidding?
I've never played with or against that level of competition before. The
guys on this team were real stars.
They knew it and so did I.
Right from the beginning, the real superstar on our team didn't like me
because I was white. When we got to Italy, the fans didn't like our team
because most of our players were black. The press was calling us the "American
Teen Dream Team", but to us it was more like a nightmare. And then, before
we knew it, the only zone we were playing in was the Danger Zone.
(Virginia L.Wright, |
Basketball -- Fiction.
Prejudices -- Fiction.
Race relations -- Fiction.
African Americans -- Fiction.
Rome (Italy) -- Fiction. |
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