Kimmel, E. Cody.
New York : HarperCollins,
IL 5-8
ISBN 0060291184
Bill Cody is about to set off on an adventure. Ever since his older
brother died in an accident a few months before, his mother has wanted
to leave the town Bill grew up in. She just couldn't face living
in a place so filled with memories of Sammy. So Pa decided to head
west. They were leaving Iowa and going to make a new home in Kansas
Territory. Pa's brother lived near there and told Pa about government
plans to offer cheap land to settlers. Travel with young Bill Cody
as his family travels west in search of a new home. |
Buffalo Bill, 1846-1917 -- Childhood and youth -- Fiction.
Frontier and pioneer life -- Kansas -- Fiction.
Kansas -- History 1854-1861 -- Fiction. |
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