Morton Grove, Ill. : Albert
Whitman & Co., 1998.
IL 3-6
ISBN 0807574570 |
couldn't wait until the end of the school day. This was Homecoming day
and the seventh grade float was sure to win first place. During chorus,
Peg's leg kept twitching and she couldn't seem to get it to stop. On her
way out of class, her leg gave out and she went down. Her books flew all
over the place. When Peg went home for lunch, her mother said Peg felt
hot and took her temperature. The doctor was called and Peg knew there
was no use begging to go to Homecoming. As a matter of fact, all she could
think about doing was sleeping. The doctor came again the next day. After
examining her, he told her parents to get her to the hospital. At the hospital,
they learned that she had polio. Peg had certainly heard of the illness
but never knew anyone who had it. Days and nights began to blur together
as Peg was transferred to another hospital. Within days, she was completely
paralyzed. This is the story of the author's battle with polio. Before
1954, there was no immunization against polio. It was every parent's fear.
Author Peg Kehret writes about her struggle with this devastating illness. |
Kehret, Peg
Authors, American
Poliomelitis -- Patients -- Rehabilitation |
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