Janice Kulyk ; ill. by Janet Wilson.
Custer WA : Orca, 2001.
IL K-3 RL 3.7
ISBN 155143153X |
family have been forced to leave their home. There is a war going
on and it isn't safe to live in the city. They have traveled a long
way to a new country where the life is very hard. The parents must
work long hours in a factory and the girls are left on their own.
Anna's mother surprises her one day by bringing home a goat. During
the day, the girls can play with the goat and cuddle up to it for warmth.
In the evenings, Anna's mother milks the goat and makes cheese. The
girls sleep with the goat to stay warm and come to depend on her.
When the war ends, the family is able to return home. What will they
find there? Will the goat be able to come too? Find out what
becomes of ANNA'S GOAT. |
World War, 1939-1945 -- Refugees -- Fiction. |
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