New York : Dutton Children's
Books, 2001.
IL 3-6, RL 5.8
ISBN 0525466932 |
are many homeless ghosts wandering around London. Miss Pringle and
Mrs. Mannering started the Dial-A-Ghost/Adopt-A-Ghost Agency to match ghosts
who need homes with people who have a home to share with these unfortunate
specters. The ladies are very successful in their venture until they
meet the Wilkinsons and the deBones. The Wilkinsons, a peaceful family
of ghosts, are assigned to quiet Larchford Abbey. The deBones, a
husband and wife team of cruelty and mayhem a.k.a. The Shriekers, are assigned
to haunt Helton Hall, a large, grand and rather gloomy house in the north
of England. When the directions to their respective new homes are
switched by the agency's color blind office boy, it changes the future
of Helton Hall and the new owner, Oliver Smith, a ten year old orphan who
has spent most of his life in a children's home in London. Does Oliver
get along with his ghostly companions? Do the ghosts get along with
Oliver? REad Dial-A.Ghost by Eva Ibbotson to find out.
(New Hampshire Great
Stone Face Committee) |
Ghosts -- Fiction.
Orphans -- Fiction.
England -- Fiction. |
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