Hurwitz, Johanna
New York : HarperCollins,
IL 5-8
ISBN 0060298405
has returned from her stay in Vermont. She was part of the Fresh
Air Fund that sent poor children from New York City to rural homes for
two weeks. Those two weeks in the summer of 1910 were happy ones
for Dossi. Now she continues her involvement with Emma and her family
through a series of letters. Dossi writes long, detailed letters
about the things going on in her life in New York City. Dossi lives
with her older sister in one room of an apartment. That changes when
Ruthi marries Meyer, the local pharmacist. Meyer makes a comfortable
salary and can afford his own apartment. And Ruthi can quit her job
at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Many of the people in their neighborhood
work in the garment industry. The girls work as seamstresses.
The job is not an easy one. The days are long and the conditions
are harsh. Dossi relates all this and more to her friend Emma in
this continuation of "Faraway Summer". |
Immigrants -- Fiction.
Jews -- New York (N.Y.) -- Fiction.
Orphans -- Fiction.
Russian Americans -- Fiction.
Letters -- Fiction.
New York (N.Y.) -- History -- 1898-1951 -- Fiction. |
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