Howe, James
New York : Atheneum Books
for Young Readers, 2001
IL 5-8, RL 8.3
ISBN 0689839553
chop. Rolly polly. Dweeb. Nerd. Sissy. Fairy.
Freak. Ree-tard. Dork. Gay. Loser. Have you heard
any of these names? Maybe you have used them to describe someone.
Maybe someone has called you a name. How did it feel? Did it
bother you? Did you think of the old saying "Sticks and stones may
break my bones but names will never hurt me"? I don't know who thought
that saying up but it just isn't true. When someone calls you a name,
it hurts. The kids in this book know that. Among the four of
them, they have been called over 72 different names throughout the years.
And they want it to stop. But what can 7th graders do? Addie,
Bobby, Joe and Skeezie decide to form a new party and run for school senate.
They form the No-Name Party and run on a platform of no name calling and
tolerance for difference. Their motto is "Sticks and stones may break
our bones, but names will break our spirit". Just how much can these misfits
influence their classmates? |
Schools -- Fiction.
Elections -- Fiction.
Friendship -- Fiction.
Teasing -- Fiction. |
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