Holm, Jennifer L.
New York : HarperCollins,
IL 5-8
ISBN 0060290439
Peck had been tricked into traveling to Washington State in the 1850's.
A young man who she met in Philadelphia had written to her and proposed
marriage. When she arrived in the harsh wilderness, she found he
had married someone else. Left to fend for herself, she was befriended
by a variety of mountain men and the local Indians. This is the second
book about her life in Shoalwater Bay. Tired of working for the men
doing their mending, cooking and laundry, Jane decides to work an oyster
bed to get some money to return home. The venture is very successful.
Until her partner gambles away all the money before the men are paid.
Now Jane is left with no money and still owing her workers. Back
to Mr. Russell's she goes. When she learns that her father has died
back in Philadelphia, Jane takes to her bed and refuses to eat. The
men rally around her and try to convince her to go on. Through all
her adventures, a young sailor she met on her voyage, stays with her.
Jehu Scudder has left the ship and seems to be settling into Shoalwater
Bay. But how can an educated women like Jane Peck possibly be interested
in a sailor like Jehu? She couldn't. She longed to find
a fine gentleman. But there are not too many of them in the wilderness.
Are there? |
Self-perception -- Fiction.
Etiquette -- Fiction.
Chinook Indians -- Fiction.
Indians of North America -- Washington (State) -- Fiction.
Frontier and pioneer life -- Washington (State) -- Fiction.
Washington (State) -- History -- Fiction. |
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