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What do burrowing owls, a school
bully, and a boy named "Mullet Fingers" have in common? They are
all part of the life in Coconut Grove, Florida. Roy Eberhardt is
the new kid in town. Roy finds himself at the center of an environmental
cause. Mother Paula's All-American Pancake House wants to build a
new restaurant right on top of the burrowing owls habitat. Fortunately,
the owls have Roy, "Mullet Fingers", and Beatrice Leep on their side.
"Mullet Fingers" shows his talent for keeping the construction site shut
down with the alligators in the portable toilets and colorfully painted
poisonous snakes. An amusing cast of characters completes this often
laugh out loud book. Will the future be bright in South Florida for
Roy and the tiny owls? Read Hoot by Carl Hiassen. (New
Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee, 2003-2004)
Booktalk #2
New to town, Roy Eberhardt
has got to make himself fit in. Getting his face smashed on the school
bus by bully, Dana Matherson, actually changes his life, helping him see
an adventure of a lifetime. Suddenly Roy is caught up in saving the world,
or at least part of it. Mother Paula's All-American Pancake House wants
to build a new restaurant right over the nesting burrows of endangered
miniature owls. Can three middle school kids overcome the bureaucracy,
the less than honest politicians, and other screwed up adults? Read this
hilarious, adventure packed book to find out. It's a hoot! (Jean
B. Bellavance for Pennsylvania
Young Reader's Choice Awards, 2003-2004)
Booktalk #3
Roy is the new kid. He's
been the new kid before and he knows the drill. The local bully preys
on him on the school bus. The kids at school don't socialize with
him. He will get through this. But a new dimension has been
added to the routine this time. One day, as he is being harassed
on the bus by Dana, Roy notices a strange kid running beside the bus.
The kid appears to be about Roy's age but he isn't wearing shoes.
Now, Florida may have a relaxed dress code compared to Montana, but Roy
is pretty sure they require shoes in school. But, the kid isn't
at school that day. Or the next. Sensing a mystery, Roy sets
out to find the running boy and learn his secret. Could it have anything
to do with the strange goings-on at the construction site nearby?
Alligators in the porta-potties? Snakes in the yard? And just
what are those holes people keep stepping in.
Booktalk #4
Roy Eberhardt is the new kid
in town. Again. But even though he's moved around a lot in
his life, it’s still hard to be the new kid. Having just moved to
Coconut Cove, Florida, from Montana, Roy is still trying to adjust to his
new life. He sits alone at the lunch table, he hasn't made any new
friends in school, and as if that's not bad enough, Dana Matherson, the
school bully, decides to make Roy his newest victim.
On his way to school one day, with his face smashed up against the school
bus window, and with Dana’s thumbs pressed into Roy’s temples, Roy notices
a boy his own age running very fast away from school with no books in his
hands and no shoes on his bare feet! Roy is intrigued. Where
could this kid be going? Where are his school books? And most
of all, why doesn't he have any shoes on?
Just down the street from Roy’s house, strange things have been happening
at the construction site of the new Mother Paula’s Pancake House.
Someone has been sneaking into the construction site and pulling up the
survey stakes, putting alligators in the porta-potties, and releasing cottonmouth
snakes with strange sparkling tails. Why would someone be doing these
things? Are they just practical jokes or is it something more
It’s all a big mystery until Roy Eberhardt meets the running boy named
“Mullet Fingers” and his stepsister Beatrice Leep. Soon they all
stumble into the adventure of a lifetime that includes sneaky politicians,
greedy company executives, and some little burrowing owls not much bigger
than a can of Coke.
For an exciting adventure story sure to keep you on the edge of your seat,
I recommend this book. I assure you it is a Hoot! (Jennifer Underhill,,
Master's Student at Florida State University
Booktalk #5
Hoot is a really good book,
its a whole mystery that focuses on environmental care and Florida, like
most of Carl Hiaasen's books. In Hoot a boy sees another boy he has
never seen before, this new boy is just running down the street, away from
the bus. The running boy could have been running to school if he
had a backpack and shoes. I really like this book because it is funny
and deals with environmental stuff also. (loren shatz,
Booktalk #6
Roy is the only child of a
couple who is constantly moving. Roy thinks that this place will be just
as bad as the others until he meets or sees Mullet Fingers. Mullet Fingers
is a boy who has run away from boarding schools, military schools, basicly
every school that his mom sent him to. Roy sees Mullet Fingers while trying
to dodge the blows from Dana, a bully on his bus. Roy becomes curios and
tries to chase after him, but is unsuccesful. At school Roy meets the girl
that he accidently pushed while trying to get off the bus. Roy finds out
that she is Mullet Fingers sister. Roy finaly gets to meet Mullet Fingers
and finds out that he is trying to save a colony of Burrowing Owls from
being killed by being built on top of. The three of them motivate others
and protest proving that the owls are there. (Tayler Jae Smith,,
HCMS Library)
Booktalk #7
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen, is about
Roy Eberhardt who dislike about his family been move a lot. Every time
when he move into a new school he encounter a new set of bully. He, however,
learn a lot from experience. In the new school he move to, he was bully
by Dana on the first day of school. he did discover a boy without no shoes,
no book bag, and also wearing a old shirt, while he is been bully by Dana.
Later he found out that the boy was the step-brother of Beatrice Leep.
He also discover the owl, which is protected by law, was in the construction
area of the new pancake restaurant. The foreman, curly, did see the owls
but he did not take action because of the fear of losing his job. The boy
put several dangerous animals into the construction area to protect the
owls , but he did not meant to harm anyone. The foreman, which try to protect
himself from the animals, has do whatever he can to do so. The boy is also
been harmed by the dogs rented by the foreman. Officer Delinko was also
affected by the conflict. Roy protested and tried his best to protested.
I think this is a very good book and interesting to read. (Zhou Wang,,
HCMS Library)
Booktalk #8
Hoot is about a boy who has
just moved from Montana to Florida. His name is Roy B. and he was getting
beat up by a boy named Diana Matherson. One day Diana was beating him and,
his face was smushed against the window, and he saw this strange boy running.
Roy wondered why he was running, and why he looked the way he did. He had
a tore up basket ball jersey on, no shoes, and he was scruffy looking.
So Roy would look out ht window every morning and every afternoon to see
if he was running again. One day he was getting beat up by Diana again,
and he saw the little boy running and then he was trying to get away from
Diana. When he finally did he was took-off like a jet. Before the bus driver
could say "hey kid, where are you going?" Roy was already a blur to him.
Roy chased the little boy all over town. He said "I feel like a track star!",
because he was jumping over bushes and he was dodgeing thisngs! and then
you will never know what else happenes untill you read the book!!!
(Ashley Nicole Davis,,
Hertford County Middle School, Murfreesboro USA)
Booktalk #9
Roy Eberhardt doesn't give a “hoot” about living in his new home state
of Florida. His family moves often, so he’s used to being the new kids
in school, but this time is different. He misses his last home in
Montana and isn’t interested in anything in Florida until he sees “the
boy at the school bus stop”. The boy that catches Roy’s attention
is just a typical boy about his own age. What's different about him
is that he’s running away from the school bus instead of toward it.
Plus, the boy has no books, no backpack, and even no shoes.
Roy is intrigued by the mystery surrounding the boy, so he starts to follow
him. In his chase to find out about the secretive stranger, Roy encounters
poisonous snakes with sparkles on their tails, alligators in toilets, a
girl who bites a hole in his bicycle tire, burrowing owls, and trouble
with the police. Will Roy ever find out who the mysterious boys is
and what he’s up to? Does Roy ever learn to enjoy living in Florida?
Find out by reading Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. (Carolyn Davis,,
Sedgefield Intermediate Media Specialist, Berkeley County)
Booktalk #10
In the book "Hoot" three young
children named Roy, Beatrice, and Mullet Fingers are trying to get Mother
Paula's Pancake House to stop the construction of building their restaurant
on that land because of the owls that live in the ground on that old lot.
The theme of this novel is that young children can make a difference. The
three young children let snakes go in the guard dogs' pen, Paint the police
car and other gallant adventures just to save the owls. They organized
a bigger group and all together went on strike until the construction company
saw the owls and decided not to build their restaurant. I enjoyed
this book because I loved how young kids put down their video games and
stood together to save the wild life, no matter how big or how small. (Stormy
S., Student)
Booktalk #11
A homesick Roy Eberhardt has
just moved from Montana to Trace Middle School in Florida. While being
hassled by the bully on the bus ride to school, Roy notices a barefoot
boy running from the street to the woods. The boy never gets on the school
bus nor does he go to school. Intrigued, Roy tries to find out who the
barefoot running boy is.
In the meantime, Mother Paula’s
All-American Pancake House is being built on a vacant lot. This vacant
lot is the home of a few wild owl families. The construction is constantly
being held up by pranks: surveillance stakes are pulled up, crocodiles
found in the port-o-potty and a police officer’s car windows are spray
painted black when he falls asleep on duty. The construction schedule is
being held up and the Mother Paula’s company is not too happy about it.
Hoot is a clever and funny
story about standing up for yourself and for what you believe in.
(Melissa Bowman,, Armstrong Middle School,
Lone Star Book Award nominee, 2003-2004) |