New York : Hyperion Books
for Children, 2001.
IL 3-6, RL 6.1
ISBN 0786807644
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page 1-3 (1st half)
You can see why Whisper never stepped foot onto a soccer field after that
day. So when her sister, Briana enters Whisper’s name into a contest
to kick a goal past a professional soccer player for a chance to win a
million dollars Whisper isn’t worried. After all what are her chances
of winning? When the call comes that Whisper’s name was selected
to take the kick she’s not sure what to do. Should Whisper take the
kick and risk being humiliated? If you want to find out what happens
to Whisper read The Million Dollar Kick by Dan Gutman. (Beth Lindsay,
Lee County Library System, Estero, FL) 2005-2006 Sunshine State Young
Reader’s List Grades 3-5 |
Soccer -- Fiction.
Contests -- Fiction.
Sports -- Fiction. |
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