Helen V.
New York : Greenwillow Books,
IL 3-6, RL 4.2
ISBN 0688153240 |
brothers can sure cause problems! Just ask Nathan. One afternoon
his younger brother, Ryan, shows up late from school with a rock that he
is convinced is a fossilized dinosaur egg. An argument ensues between the
two boys and the rock is accidentally tossed into Ryan's dinosaur terrarium
in the corner of their bedroom. Instantly, both boys find themselves transported
into the steamy world of Ryan's dinosaurs. How will they survive in this
strange world? Will they become a tasty dinosaur dinner? Adventure along,
if you dare, as Nathan and Ryan explore this frightening and dangerous
world in Dinosaur Habitat. (Jeannie Bellavance
for Pennsylvania
Young Reader's Choice Awards) |
Dinosaurs -- Fiction.
Time travel -- Fiction.
Brothers -- Fiction. |
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